Around 100 years back Swami Vivekananda said the main difference between Indian culture and Western culture is that in our(Indian) family mother is adored, but wife occupies that position in Western culture.
Pitru Devo Bhava
Acharya Devo Bhava
Adhiti Devo Bhava”
After 7 weeks of stay in India one of the team members (after reaching the home nation) announced that India is a third-rate country!
Let’s go to another quote by Swami Vivekananda: “The human nature of a man is skin thick; when you scratch the animal comes out”. Is it possible for a human-being to forget about the fortunes he had, in 7 weeks? How can we blame the Sardaji Cricketer who called his Australian counterpart a monkey?
But the outcome of the above incident was severe. Just like we see in Hindi movies, the hero got depressed and started drinking day in and day out. If the Indians would have responded in the same manner to the assaults they received over the years, the liquor shops in Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore , Hyderabad and Delhi were filled with men in blue. Hope the Aussies, known for their “mind game”, have understood the patience the Indian cricketers had shown in and out of the Cricket field. If you use boomerang as a weapon you must know how to catch it when it comes back to you.
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